Agiles Arbeiten mit Scrum, Kanban usw. bildet seit Jahren meinen beruflichen Schwerpunkt. In diesem kurzen Blogpost können Sie mehr darüber erfahren.

Die übrigen Inhalte dienen als Museum (leider ohne die frühere schicke Optik). , port 4658: Why does Chrome connect to it at startup?

A couple of weeks ago the Chrome Browser on my Mac started to try and connect to when started. One weird aspect of this is that it tries to connect to Port 4658, which is listed as Playstation 2 application port???

I tried googling, but didn’t find any substantial information on the web.


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Edit 1

  • When tweeting this, I was secretly hoping that somebody had this all figured out.
  • Christoph replied with the idea to disable all plugins and see if the connection attempts continue.
  • I found that it’s not too easy to reproduce the connection attempts: I usually start Chrome once on the beginning of each day. Then I keep using it throughout the day. I observed the connection attempts several times on Chrome startup. Now when I tried to reproduce this behaviour I realized that it does not try to connect on each Chrome startup, not even after logging out the user or rebooting the whole system. Maybe it just happens once per day?
  • I will keep an eye on this to find out when exactly it tries to connect. Once I’ve got that figured out I’ll try to disable plugins as Christoph suggested.

Edit 2: Solved!

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